Best Inverter For RV

Best Inverter For RV

Blog Article

For many, RVing offers the freedom of the open road and the comfort of a home on wheels. Then there are the disadvantages that you have to put up if you decide to go off-grid, which may include some luxuries we seem to live with. Having the appropriate inverter, you can power important devices, charge gadgets, and gain a feeling of being at home, even in the most remote location. However, it is quite difficult to make a decision on choosing a good RV inverter.

Understanding Inverters: AC vs. DC and Power Output

AC vs. DC:  In your RV and home, the electrical appliances run on Alternating Current (AC), whilst the DC current is the way your RV stores power. The principle of operation of the inverter is to change the DC power stored in the battery to an AC that can be practically used.

Power Output:  Ratings of inverters are indicated by their continuous power output which is measured in watts. This is the value of power that the inverter can continuously put forth without being overburdened.

Types of Inverters

There are two main types of inverters to consider:

  • Pure Sine Wave Inverters:  These produce a real AC output that even replicates the kind of electricity you get from the wall outlet. They are also critical because these devices can be damaged by the foot electromagnetic radiation. Higher quality inverters will be more expensive, but they will yield more efficient and reliable results.

  • Modified Sine Wave Inverters: These inverters output a square wave that is stepped up and that is a sinusoidal-wave approximation But they can only power up a few basic devices such as lights and phone chargers. Sine wave inverters whose waveform has been modified are a cheaper solution as compared to the true sine wave inverters, but their functionality is limited itself.

Choosing the Right Size Inverter

The idea of choosing the best inverter for RV. Here's how to approach it:

  1. Identify Your Must-Have Appliances: Create a list of the appliances that will be regulated by the inverter, with their rated wattage as well. These ratings are printed to a label that is normally attached to the appliance.

  2. Consider Startup Surge: Certain appliances use a high wattage surge to start up (burst) rather than being continuously operated at a lower wattage.

  3. Add a Buffer: In order to do this, you will need to go with an inverter, whose continuous power output is 20-30% more than your total wattage requirements.

Installation and Safety Tips

Here are some safety precautions to remember:

  • Never overload your inverter. In such cases, an inverter has a higher chance of getting damaged or even catching fire.

  • Ensure proper ventilation. Due to exothermic processes, inverters emit heat while in operation. Keep the device away from the wall and let air pass through the unit freely.

  • Use properly sized cables. Voltage drops and possible overheating are the outcome of using a wrong cable gauge.


An inverter that is appropriate for your RV's electrical system can be utilized for maximizing its performance. Through the knowledge of power requirements and inverter selection according to the size of your system, and ensuring safety never the less, you will be able to make your RV adventures enjoyable and convenient no matter where the road takes you.


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